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Bubbles in the In Between, a story for a fictional class of the past, the ideas that need out, Hawk and Dove, narcissism and collectivism? the 5 tools come at it sideways, trying to Name the Wind until it Groks. I am just an egg. Bangs, hair, clothes, food, what you do, do for your heart, controlling others is only acceptable if you feel others controlling you is acceptable

Connection, time to think. When and if people have these, how much more of their higher self can they be.

can do or become, is the being of us more us than the doing of us, if every life or potential is something unique and precious can it be a path to dismantling systems that break one in favor of another viewed "worthy" are we all "worthy" by intrinsic nature (yes) but also constant feedback and reassessment to course correct live system?

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writing- does an author view agency of each character in writing, (is bridging gap between too many stories but how they intertwine if agencies clash, is why usually told from one perspective? also if written by only one person is ever able to be in community voice with others?) also in programming AI can it be better than viewing through a solitary lens by nature? butting up against individualism/society we have to be us because the more authentic, more true to self we are the more we

How to human, with what makes each individual happy and can be generally societally reciprocal but also take into account identity and individual selfishness so that no one persons utility monster infringes on the whole to unbalance the system ....🤔 live in community, how to do so fairly, or how to structure so everyone feels fairly represented and heard, cared for. NVC classes? gridwork to frame it on, everyone buys in or else it doesn't work? flaws in communes? maybe community doesn't mean proximity for some

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