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staring across the table, deep breath in, ok... so here's where I'm at ...

back at it. Dreaming for the fight, fighting for the dream.

You are so very ugly to someone, knowing that early and feeling that should allow you to know that to someone else... you are so very beautiful..

adding in maybe eerie accountability for lying into law? punishable offense for misinformation?

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Books-the way it should be, complicated messy human drama but with a world frame and reinforced what if we did it how it's supposed to be done?

Michelle loves, Michelle facepalms, Michelle assumes, Michelle writes, subcategories on wp... maybe? keep. writing.

Always, it's just a matter of who and when. If you want the tldr dear reader, and don't want to spend the money, I'll even tell you how this story ends... it ends with us

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Dear reader let's clear things up before we start, the air, the streets whatever we need to do, to know that no individual person can ever be a here alone, every step meant to make you a you, instead of us, just part of the learning curve but it can never work, for every single step is always cleared by 10 other steps, often, by so many others you may never meet or know. Always, it's just a matter of who and when.

Christmas friends
(Isn't just me in here prompt every book/ movie character every life every set of eyes every hearts emotion

Smack talk how to people. Consent, autonomy, society, indiduality, fear, anxiety


writing - Smile and spark,
Flash and laugh,
Such stories to tell,
So many stories to come.
May your journey always bring youv
  closer to your heart, a step in the light a step in the dark. May each step give you what you need to forge your path, shining true.

writing - One small hug that holds you together, when the world seems too much, when life can't be the Disney movie, and you realize it never was, but moments here and there magic in the story of our touch, inspiration to fight on, with what you have at hand. A van can make you cry, a pixar tear for all that could be, was always what you had, but couldn't see, the magic lies so deep in finding itself in an invisible grip, that you can only feel it when you get... One small hug.

writing story - gremlins, crux points (birthdays, deathdays, family power months like leylines of time used to charge energy)

"Messages linger...Ghosts of forgotten transmissions..." she danced and she laughed, oh and the way she laughed, it was her laugh, a ghost at an anime convention, of all places. Ghost in a shell, 😂🤦 not hers, not her, but there nonetheless. It was a sadsweet moment, and yet almost 5 years later, it stole my breath. For just a moment, then friends and dancing and a shared what the hell? Still thinking, still wondering, still.. something.

adding not intending to create main stream, but to allow for more diversity in main stream or dismantle idea of main stream

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