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writing - Smile and spark,
Flash and laugh,
Such stories to tell,
So many stories to come.
May your journey always bring youv
  closer to your heart, a step in the light a step in the dark. May each step give you what you need to forge your path, shining true.

writing - One small hug that holds you together, when the world seems too much, when life can't be the Disney movie, and you realize it never was, but moments here and there magic in the story of our touch, inspiration to fight on, with what you have at hand. A van can make you cry, a pixar tear for all that could be, was always what you had, but couldn't see, the magic lies so deep in finding itself in an invisible grip, that you can only feel it when you get... One small hug.

writing story - gremlins, crux points (birthdays, deathdays, family power months like leylines of time used to charge energy)

"Messages linger...Ghosts of forgotten transmissions..." she danced and she laughed, oh and the way she laughed, it was her laugh, a ghost at an anime convention, of all places. Ghost in a shell, 😂🤦 not hers, not her, but there nonetheless. It was a sadsweet moment, and yet almost 5 years later, it stole my breath. For just a moment, then friends and dancing and a shared what the hell? Still thinking, still wondering, still.. something.

adding not intending to create main stream, but to allow for more diversity in main stream or dismantle idea of main stream

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outcasts, con, art, inspiration, outsourced diversity to niches to keep mainstream homogenous

writing -
(control/combat/communication of body) how to learn stuff, walk away come back, also perspective and the now of pain/loss, are you doing what you can do in the moment with what you have available, available in emotion, mind, resources

the chances of you being the absolute worst at more than one thing in your life are amazingly small. The second you even acknowledge or try, you are now irreducibly incapable of being the absolute worst.

words and words and words, link to write, work to live, but still need to sweep demon cobwebs from the head. short, sweet and going sour, sometimes south, but dear gods why cant things just be smooth for long enough to human well? just another orc with delusions of authorship and breaking through the meaning in the in between

seriously like best husband ever! definitely my favorite!

Best husband ever need to tell him that ❤️🦖


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